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Audrey Muyuni


The article focuses on the contribution the Marianist Brothers made to moral and integral boys’ education in their education philosophy at Matero Boys Secondary School popularly known as MaBoys. Cox’s theory of phenomenology of religion was used to generate empirical data from the religious and lived experiences of the Marianist Brothers as well as the narrated stories from both former teachers and pupils of the first twenty-five years at MaBoys. The study was purely qualitative and specifically used a follow-up case study design to capture and understand the Marianist applied pedagogical practices in enhancing former pupils’ lives after leaving the school. The findings indicated that Religious Education was the core of morality in the face of climate change. This can be seen as evidence that the Marianist imprint remained in the boys’ lives long after school. The study recommends for a further study to be done after the pioneers have relocated to their land of origin to sensor the current moral values.

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How to Cite
Muyuni, A. (2024). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION A MORAL SAVER AMIDST CLIMATE CHANGE: : AFTERMATH THE MARIANIST PIONEERS AT MABOYS IN LUSAKA DISTRICT. Kwame Nkrumah University Multi-Disciplinary Journal - Zambia, 1(1), 85–95. Retrieved from
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