Decolonisation of Education in the Correctional Facility A case of Mukobeko Maximum Prison, Kabwe, Zambia

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Rosemary Muma Mulenga
Moono Muvomba
Astridah Mwamba Musonda
John Clement Kabungo


The purpose of the study was to assess on how decolonization of education has been in Mukobeko maximum prison from 2017 to 2022.The following objectives guided the study: to establish the current education the Correctional Service offers to inmates; to determine whether the type of education being offered to inmates help them to reform and settle in society and, to establish educational strategies the correctional service has put in place to help former inmates settle after being released. A case study design was used. The total population for the study was 25 participants, consisting 10 correctional officers, 10 inmates at maximum prison and 5 former inmates. Simple random sampling was used to select inmates at Mukobeko maxmum prison. Purposive sampling techniques was used to select officers and former inmates at Mukobeko maximum prison. Former inmates were contacted through the use of register and mobile phones. Data was collected using interviews while analysis of data was done qualitatively using thematic analysis. The study revealed that inmates were taught practical courses which were beneficial for their effective rehabilitation. Further, the study revealed that the education inmates got helped them to reform and settled in society. The study established that teachers at the maximum prison face many challenges related to curriculum modification and adaptation. The study further revealed that decolonization of education to inmates would empower them with necessary skills and knowledge.

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How to Cite
Mulenga, R. M., Muvomba, M. ., Musonda, A. M. ., & Kabungo, J. C. . (2023). Decolonisation of Education in the Correctional Facility: A case of Mukobeko Maximum Prison, Kabwe, Zambia. Kwame Nkrumah University Multi-Disciplinary Journal - Zambia, 1(1), 28–42. Retrieved from


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