Decolonisation Enhancing Equity in the Management of Language Education in Secondary Schools in Kabwe District

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Pethias Siame
Jive Lubbungu


This paper endeavours to address the colonial mind-set in the management of language education in Zambian secondary schools. The aim of the paper is to respond to the need to decolonise the challenges which hinder the achievement of quality implementation of language programmes in the Department of Literature and Languages in secondary schools. The paper draws insights from “tenets of equitable management” to outline how national, provincial, district, school and departmental leadership as well as language planners, and curriculum developers can decolonise the management of teachers and subjects in the Department of Literature and Languages. The paper is guided by the marginal theory. The paper adopted purposive sampling to identify ten schools and respective Heads of Department of Literature and languages as key informants for the study. Elicitation, face to face interviews, document analysis, descriptive and qualitative approaches were used to collect data to justify the arguments in the study. The study reveals that some subjects and teachers in the Department of Literature and Languages are unfairly and impartially treated as the colonial arrangement still exists to a large extent. Decolonisation is only observed in the distribution of Heads of Department in the sampled schools where they share 50% for each gender. There is great need to decolonise the management of language education in order to enhance equity and motivate all the teachers of languages for the effective implementation of language education and planning policies.

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How to Cite
Siame, P. ., & Lubbungu, J. (2023). Decolonisation: Enhancing Equity in the Management of Language Education in Secondary Schools in Kabwe District. Kwame Nkrumah University Multi-Disciplinary Journal - Zambia, 1(1), 101–116. Retrieved from


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