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The study investigated four paradigms namely positivism, Interpretivism, pragmatism and critical theory to establish their importance in research especially to novice researchers. The research was guided by a purposive sampling technique using descriptive and applied qualitative research techniques whose objective was descriptive as they exist and arrived at an inductive ex post facto research for descriptive purposes. Using secondary data the findings indicated that paradigms play important roles to novice researchers as they guide them to come up with a research plan. A paradigm it was established guides the researcher in all areas of his/her research plan starting from the aim of the study, research questions, instruments of data collection and analysis methods. The researchers thus recommended that novice researchers be exposed to paradigms before embarking on the research journeys to help them do research within the parameters of a particular paradigm to avoid mixing approaches, methodologies and designs. Having knowledge of paradigms will enable novice researchers to stick to the lane of the paradigm chosen and not crossing the lane anyhow as well as to choose which paradigm for which topic.
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