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Exsaviour Sakala
Oliver Magasu


This research focused on incorporating the four elements of service learning which are; reciprocity, reflection, integration, and diversity into the instruction and learning of Civic Education teacher programs in Zambia. The study confirmed the significance of these four elements in the teaching and learning of Civic Education teacher programs in Zambia, although they are currently lacking. It is recommended that the curriculum for Civic Education courses offered in colleges and universities in Zambia be revised to include service learning in the teaching and learning methods, as guided by the four components of service learning. There is also a need to regularly assess the methods used to teach Civic Education to ensure that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in governance, advocate for social justice, and contribute to the development of their communities, civic agency, and community engagement

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How to Cite
Sakala, E. ., & Magasu, O. . (2024). CONTEXTUALISING SERVICE LEARNING MODEL IN CIVIC EDUCATION TEACHER PROGRAMMES IN ZAMBIA. Kwame Nkrumah University Multi-Disciplinary Journal - Zambia, 1(2), 75–82. Retrieved from
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